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Why are people around the world so very different? What makes
us live, buy, even love as we do? The answers are in the codes. In
"The Culture Code," internationally revered cultural anthropologist
and marketing expert Clotaire Rapaille reveals for the first time
the techniques he has used to improve profitability and practices
for dozens of Fortune 100 companies. His groundbreaking revelations
shed light not just on business but on the way every human being
acts and lives around the world. Rapaille's breakthrough notion is
that we acquire a silent system of codes as we grow up within our
culture. These codes--the Culture Code--are what make us American,
or German, or French, and they invisibly shape how we behave in our
personal lives, even when we are completely unaware of our motives.
What's more, we can learn to crack the codes that guide our actions
and achieve new understanding of why we do the things we do.
Rapaille has used the Culture Code to help Chrysler build the PT
Cruiser--the most successful American car launch in recent memory.
He has used it to help Procter & Gamble design its advertising
campaign for Folger's coffee - one of the longest lasting and most
successful campaigns in the annals of advertising. He has used it
to help companies as diverse as GE, AT&T, Boeing, Honda,
Kellogg, and L'Oreal improve their bottom line at home and
overseas. And now, in "The Culture Code," he uses it to reveal why
Americans act distinctly like Americans, and what makes us
different from the world around us. In "The Culture Code," Dr.
Rapaille decodes two dozen of our most fundamental
archetypes--ranging from sex to money to health to America
itself--to give us "a newset of glasses" with which to view our
actions and motivations. Why are we so often disillusioned by love?
Why is fat a solution rather than a problem? Why do we reject the
notion of perfection? Why is fast food in our lives to stay? The
answers are in the Codes. Understanding the Codes gives us
unprecedented freedom over our lives. It lets us do business in
dramatically new ways. And it finally explains why people around
the world really "are" different, and reveals the hidden clues to
understanding us all.
Dr. CLOTAIRE RAPAILLE is the chairman of Archetype Discoveries
Worldwide and has used this decoding approach for thirty years. He
is the personal adviser to ten high-ranking CEOs and is kept on
retainer by fifty Fortune 100 companies. He has been profiled in
many national media outlets, including 60 Minutes II and on
the front page of the New York Times Sunday Styles section.
He lives in Tuxedo Park, New York.
From Publishers Weekly
French-born marketing consultant and psychoanalyst Rapaille takes a
truism—different cultures are, well, different—and expands it by
explaining how a nation's history and cultural myths are
psychological templates to which its citizens respond
unconsciously. Fair enough, but after that, it's all downhill.
Rapaille intends his theory of culture codes to help us understand
"why people do what they do," but the "fundamental archetypes" he
offers are just trumped-up stereotypes. He often supports jarring
pronouncements ("The Culture Code for perfection in America is
DEATH") with preposterous generalizations and overstatements, e.g.,
Japanese men "seem utterly incapable of courtship or wooing a
woman." Writing with the na?veté of someone who has learned about
the world only through Hollywood films, he seems unaware that every
person living within a nation's borders doesn't necessarily share
the same cultural biases and references. Rapaille's successful
consulting career is evidence that he's more convincing in the
boardroom than he is on the page. Amid the overheated prose and
dubious factoids, it's easy to overlook the book's scattered
marketing proposals and employee-management tips. (June 6)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed
Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Why are people around the world so very different? What makes us live, buy, even love as we do? The answers are in the codes. In "The Culture Code," internationally revered cultural anthropologist and marketing expert Clotaire Rapaille reveals for the first time the techniques he has used to improve profitability and practices for dozens of Fortune 100 companies. His groundbreaking revelations shed light not just on business but on the way every human being acts and lives around the world. Rapaille's breakthrough notion is that we acquire a silent system of codes as we grow up within our culture. These codes--the Culture Code--are what make us American, or German, or French, and they invisibly shape how we behave in our personal lives, even when we are completely unaware of our motives. What's more, we can learn to crack the codes that guide our actions and achieve new understanding of why we do the things we do. Rapaille has used the Culture Code to help Chrysler build the PT Cruiser--the most successful American car launch in recent memory. He has used it to help Procter & Gamble design its advertising campaign for Folger's coffee - one of the longest lasting and most successful campaigns in the annals of advertising. He has used it to help companies as diverse as GE, AT&T, Boeing, Honda, Kellogg, and L'Oreal improve their bottom line at home and overseas. And now, in "The Culture Code," he uses it to reveal why Americans act distinctly like Americans, and what makes us different from the world around us. In "The Culture Code," Dr. Rapaille decodes two dozen of our most fundamental archetypes--ranging from sex to money to health to America itself--to give us "a newset of glasses" with which to view our actions and motivations. Why are we so often disillusioned by love? Why is fat a solution rather than a problem? Why do we reject the notion of perfection? Why is fast food in our lives to stay? The answers are in the Codes. Understanding the Codes gives us unprecedented freedom over our lives. It lets us do business in dramatically new ways. And it finally explains why people around the world really "are" different, and reveals the hidden clues to understanding us all.
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